Sunday, October 28, 2007

Family Gathering

This was my stop! I began to depart the bus. Holding the railing and opening my paisley umbrella I stepped onto the curb in front of me... Almost losing my balance as my feet sloshed in my soaked high heels. Dreading the two blocks I had to cover before I reached my apartment. As long as it doesn’t thunder or lightening! In fact, I started humming “Singing in the Rain”…I always liked when it rained. For me it created a refreshing, cleansing feeling.

Crossing the street, I lapsed into my day dreaming. I always let my imagination roam to pass time. I guess the world was not too exciting for me, so I had to create imaginations.

I don’t know what made me look up to the left. A house I passed everyday made me take notice. In the front window, a few feet back was a lighted chandelier. A family was seated around the table with their head bowed, saying grace. This made me nostalgic. My tears began to flow. The pouring rain trickled on my forehead. The rain water ran over my eyes causing my tears to be washed away. Ahead was the apartment building…I climbed the wooden stairs. Opened the door to the dark kitchen and entered.

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