Monday, October 1, 2012

Only The Essentials, Part I

If you had to make a choice in your life for only the essentials, what would you choose?  Could you do without all the frills and extras?  What do you really need?  Would less of everything you now have satisfy you?

Let's take food.  How much is enough?  I noticed when you eat more than you need you always want more, even though you may have stuffed yourself.  What are you trying to feed?  Certainly its not more food to satisfy your hunger?  This is a food craving, a desire for more. Apparently, our desires can become so overwhelming that it is on our mind's constantly. How can we turn off the desire for more? The body and mind are suffering because of our desire. It has overruled us, and becomes an attachment.  We are clinging to an attachment.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thinking Beyond The Physical Box

Since I am interested in lifetime learning, I wondering, is there more to life than just our physical bodies?  Is it possible to go beyond our everyday thinking.  Can our imaginations create a world of higher imaginations?
Is it time to look into what lies beyond our physical realm?