Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another Season - Winter

If you live in the east you can count on the four seasons; winter, spring, summer and fall.

I thought I would elaborate on the emotionality of each selected season, and how it affects me.

Winter...A time of expectation for the Christmas Holiday. There is always an air of excitement over the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Time to renew and join in the wonder of this glorious event. Family time is important.  Everyone wants "to go home for Christmas".  When you are a senior citizen, "going home: is reliving memories of Christmas.

It was not so much the gifts you received from family but the preparation for that great day. To me it was the church music. We began practicing our anthems right after Thanksgiving Day to get ready for Christmas Eve.
Service started at 11:00 P.M. and ended at 12 midnight. Choir members wished each other a Merry Christmas. The best treat was a small four piece box of chocolate candy given to all who attended sunday school.  I indulged immediately upon receiving the candy, headed to the cheerful church crowd outside and then on to our Aunt's Christmas Eve party.

Another pleasure was the christmas lights. Blue lights in particular fascinated me. 

Finally, exhilarated, trying to keep my eyes open, I went to bed, sleeping peacefully to the sounds of Christmas carols playing on the radio.

Now the season will be here soon. It is such a busy time.  I have to remind myself each year that I will stop and try to savor more moments of enjoyment.